Here is a page of links to organizations and various social media support groups. I will be updating this over time, so if you have a group that you like just let me know.
Organizations for BFRBs:
My article Top 3 Non-Profit Organizations for BFRBs has a brief overview of these organizations where I included links, explanations, and short descriptions of their founders.
Social Media Support Groups:
Facebook (most of these are private groups that you can join)
- TLC Foundation: tlcbfrb
- TLC en Español: espanoltlc
- Picking Me Foundation: pickingmefdn
- Canadian BFRB Support Network: canadianbfrb
- TLC Foundation: @tlcBFRB
- TLC en Español: @EspanolTlc
- Picking Me Foundation: @PickingMeFdn
- Canadian BFRB Support Network: @CanadianBFRB
Online Therapy and
- Provides a free app to track when you pull, pick, bite, chew, etc..
- They have a free trichotillomania test and skin pick test.
- Both sites provide a therapy program. These programs are not free, but they usually have a coupon code for $60 off the first month in their webinars on YouTube.
- There is a personal program and a program for parents on both websites.
- You can be completely anonymous if you want to be.